2005-03-28 [長年日記]

[Q3] 最近の傾向

Webサーバのログを見てみると、最近は日本からのアクセスよりも、ロシアとドイツからのアクセスが多いようです。AltavistaのBabel Fishを使って翻訳しているようです。最近ではロシア語のFAQページまでできちゃっています。やはり、英語ページくらいあった方が良いんでしょうね。

本日のツッコミ(全7件) [ツッコミを入れる]
# Azol (2005-03-28 16:56)

Greetings!<br>Thank you so much for the great program! Since the documentation to QMail3 is in Japanese language only, I try to put together some hints and tips on using QMail3 in Russian (and soon, probably, English) language.

# Azol (2005-03-28 20:57)

If I may suggest one feature to add: when you delete a message from Trash, QMail may as well delete it from POP3-server. That would be nice!

# snak (2005-03-29 20:50)

Grad to hear that QMAIL3 is used in Russia.<br><br>I know that some people want to delete messages on a server when they are deleted on local, but in my opinion, handling messages on a server should be independent from handling local messages. So you need to mark messages explicitly to delete messages on a server.

# Azol (2005-03-29 22:17)

Thank you for your comment! I have already suggested using @Deleted(@True()) rule for a Trash folder to automate this task. Is that correct?<br>--All the best!

# snak (2005-03-29 23:14)

You are correct.<br><br>In addition, if you check [Delete local messages after deleting from server] at [POP3] tab in account property dialog, the messages which are deleted from the server will be deleted on local automatically.

# Azol (2005-03-30 16:41)

One more request: it would be nice to have an option to apply automatically some rules during the "Goround" or "Course" processes.

# snak (2005-03-30 18:56)

It's in my todo list, so will be implemented in near future.


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