2006-09-08 [長年日記]

[Haskell] 多相型っぽいリスト


data Animal1 = Dog1 String
             | Cat1 String Int

call1 :: Animal1 -> String
call1 (Dog1 name) = name
call1 (Cat1 name whiskers) = name ++ " with " ++ show whiskers ++ " whiskers"

test1 = mapM_ (putStrLn . call1) [Dog1 "pochi", Cat1 "tama" 12]



data Dog2 = Dog2 String

callDog :: Dog2 -> String
callDog (Dog2 name) = name

data Cat2 = Cat2 String Int

callCat :: Cat2 -> String
callCat (Cat2 name whiskers) = name ++ " with " ++ show whiskers ++ " whiskers"

data Animal2 = Animal2 { call2 :: String }

dog2 :: Dog2 -> Animal2
dog2 dog = Animal2 { call2 = callDog dog }
cat2 :: Cat2 -> Animal2
cat2 cat = Animal2 { call2 = callCat cat }

test2 = mapM_ (putStrLn . call2) [dog2 (Dog2 "pochi"), cat2 (Cat2 "tama" 12)]


GADT (Generalised Algebraic DataType)を使う方法

data Dog3 = Dog3 String
data Cat3 = Cat3 String Int

class Animal3Class a where
    call3' :: a -> String

instance Animal3Class Dog3 where
    call3' (Dog3 name) = name

instance Animal3Class Cat3 where
    call3' (Cat3 name whiskers) = name ++ " with " ++ show whiskers ++ " whiskers"

data Animal3 where
    Animal3 :: (Animal3Class a => a -> Animal3)

call3 :: Animal3 -> String
call3 (Animal3 a) = call3' a

test3 = mapM_ (putStrLn . call3) [Animal3 (Dog3 "pochi"), Animal3 (Cat3 "tama" 12)]


data Animal3 where
    Animal3 :: (Animal3Class a => a -> Animal3)

のところは、Existentially quantified typesを使って以下のようにも書けます。

data Animal3 = forall a. Animal3Class a => Animal3 a