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並べ替え: 表示件数: 検索条件の書式:

[SIMILAR] WITH 7862 apply WITH 7748 ignores WITH 7380 manually WITH 7380 correctly WITH 7196 rules WITH 6955 applies WITH 6721 described WITH 6633 previous WITH 6590 executing WITH 4804 command WITH 3317 rule WITH 2719 this WITH 2644 folder WITH 2535 other WITH 908 with WITH 585 from WITH 134 ミ!! WITH 122 ツッ WITH 117 ッコ WITH 115 コミ WITH 1 !! WITH 1 ( WITH 1 azol WITH 1 ) WITH 1 if WITH 1 i WITH 1 try WITH 1 to WITH 1 cannot WITH 1 do WITH 1 (!) WITH 1 every の検索結果 113 件中 1 - 10 件目 (0.144649432 秒)

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2005-05-29 [類似検索]

ツッ!! (Azol)

If I try to apply this rule manually I cannot do this from (!)every other folder with Apply All Rules command. This rule applies only (!) with executing Apply Rules from the Trash folder. I do not know why, but this rule I described in previous post ignores Apply All Rules command, while ...

#  (スコア:10000)

2005-05-29 [類似検索]

ツッ!! (Azol)

I have noticed that the only rule that do not applies automatically is the Apply type, and the macro I try to use is @Deleted(@True()) (in Trash folder). It never applies until I go to Trash folder and execute Apply Rules manually. (The build is a latest Nightly Build for WM2003). I hope ...

#  (スコア:5045)

2002-05-27 [類似検索]

ツッ!! (Azol)

I've noticed that the only rule that do not applies automatically is the "apply" type, and the macro I try to use is @Deleted(@True()) (in Trash folder). It never applies until I go to Trash folder and execute "Apply rules" manually. --The build is a latest Nightl ...

#  (スコア:5045)

2005-04-15 [類似検索]

ツッ!! (Azol)

Well, I tap 'Apply rules to all' and program obviously does nothing - then I tap 'Apply rules' and they really apply to messages in current folder (I see a progress bar for a moment). 'Apply rules to all' seems to have no effect at all (no progress bar). ...

#  (スコア:4676)

2004-08-11 [類似検索]

[Q3] 振り分け関係色々

Invalid TextQsMLが時々配信されないことがあって、しかも気づかないままになっていたことがあったので、振り分けルールを使って、抜けがないかどうか簡単にチェックできないかと考えてみました。とりあえず作ってみたのはこんな感じ。 <ruleSet account="test"> <rule match="@True()"> <apply macro=" @Progn ...

#  (スコア:3743)

2007-02-13 [類似検索]

[Q3] MessageCreateアクション

MessageCreateActionに引数を追加しました。二番目の引数でテンプレートの引数を、三番目の引数で処理対象となるメッセージのURIを指定できるようにしました。たとえば、アクティブ振り分けを送信箱に設定してSubjectが空だったら再編集するならば、 <ruleSet account="..." folder="送信箱"> <rule match="@No ...

#  (スコア:3574)

2002-11-22 [類似検索]


よく考えたら、振り分けルールをフォルダごとに設定する機能が抜け落ちてしまったことに気づいたので復活。以前はファイル名でやっていましたが、今度はXML内で分けます。こんな感じ。 <rules> <ruleSet folder="**"> <rule match="@BeginWith(@Subject(), '[Qs:'))"> <move account="foo" folder="bar/baz"/> ...

#  (スコア:3535)

2009-11-08 [類似検索]

rdtoolの--with-partが効かないのを直す (2)

ちなみに、[ruby-list:45645] rdtool cannot handle filterに別のパッチがあります(こっちのほうがapiの使い方としては正しそう)。 rd2 ignores --with-part option.も参考にしました。 ...

#  (スコア:3422)

2005-06-14 [類似検索]

ツッ!! (Azol)

Are there any plans to implement automatical rules applying not only when the new message arrives, but also when a message gets moved between folders? When a message enters a folder with some automatic rules set, I'd like to see them applying independetly if it's a new message, or I move ...

#  (スコア:3373)

2002-06-08 [類似検索]


振り分け指定はこんな感じ。 <rules> <rule match="@BeginWith(%Subject, '[Qs:')"> <move>ml/qs</move> </rule> </rules> moveのところは他のアクションも指定できるようになるかも(テンプレートを通すとか)。.colorsもここに統合してしまおうかちょっと考え中です。 ...

#  (スコア:3307)

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