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#3 [全文検索]


並べ替え: 表示件数: 検索条件の書式:

[SIMILAR] WITH 6386 processes WITH 5684 goround WITH 5518 automatically WITH 2678 request WITH 134 ミ!! WITH 122 ツッ WITH 117 ッコ WITH 115 コミ WITH 1 !! WITH 1 ( WITH 1 azol WITH 1 ) WITH 1 one WITH 1 more WITH 1 : WITH 1 it WITH 1 would WITH 1 be WITH 1 nice WITH 1 to WITH 1 have WITH 1 an WITH 1 option WITH 1 apply WITH 1 some WITH 1 rules WITH 1 during WITH 1 the WITH 1 " WITH 1 or WITH 1 course WITH 1 . の検索結果 83 件中 1 - 10 件目 (0.407228894 秒)

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2005-03-28 [類似検索]

ツッ!! (Azol)

One more request: it would be nice to have an option to apply automatically some rules during the "Goround" or "Course" processes. ...

#  (スコア:10000)

2004-05-26 [類似検索]

[Q3] goround.xmlの設定UI

一スナップショット一設定UIを目指して、goround.xmlの設定UIを作りました。それほど叩かれていないので、試す前にgoround.xmlをバックアップしておくことをお勧めします。 ...

#  (スコア:5400)

2002-06-02 [類似検索]


.goroundファイルがなかった場合や、普通に[Too]-[Connect]-[Receive]などをした場合には、今はInboxしか同期しないけれど、デフォルトでは全てのフォルダを同期した方が良いかも? .goroundでフォルダ指定をしない場合には、全てのフォルダを同期することを考えると特にそんな気が。。。 ...

#  (スコア:5400)

2005-03-28 [類似検索]

ツッ!! (snak)

You are correct. In addition, if you check [Delete local messages after deleting from server] at [POP3] tab in account property dialog, the messages which are deleted from the server will be deleted on local automatically. ...

#  (スコア:5248)

2005-06-14 [類似検索]

ツッ!! (Azol)

Are there any plans to implement automatical rules applying not only when the new message arrives, but also when a message gets moved between folders? When a message enters a folder with some automatic rules set, I'd like to see them applying independetly if it's a new message, or I move ...

#  (スコア:5242)

2002-11-27 [類似検索]


巡回時のフォルダ指定も正規表現で行うように修正。さらにフィルタも指定できるようにしました。こんな感じです。 <goround> <course name="test"> <parallel> <entry account="foo" folder="Inbox" filter="test"/> <entry account="bar" folder="Inbox"/> </parallel> </course> <course name="test2"> <sequ ...

#  (スコア:4618)

2002-05-27 [類似検索]

ツッ!! (Azol)

I&#39;ve noticed that the only rule that do not applies automatically is the &quot;apply&quot; type, and the macro I try to use is @Deleted(@True()) (in Trash folder). It never applies until I go to Trash folder and execute &quot;Apply rules&quot; manually. --The build is a latest Nightl ...

#  (スコア:4270)

2005-05-29 [類似検索]

ツッ!! (Azol)

I have noticed that the only rule that do not applies automatically is the Apply type, and the macro I try to use is @Deleted(@True()) (in Trash folder). It never applies until I go to Trash folder and execute Apply Rules manually. (The build is a latest Nightly Build for WM2003). I hope ...

#  (スコア:4024)

2002-05-30 [類似検索]


こんな感じ? <goround> <course name="dialup"> <dialup select="true" wheneverNotConnected="true"/> <sequential> <hogehoge/> <fugafuga subaccount="foo"> <folders> <folder>Inbox</folder> </folders> </fugafuga> </sequential> </course> <course name="lan"> <parallel> <hogehoge/> <fugafuga subac ...

#  (スコア:3996)

2002-06-01 [類似検索]


こんな感じになりました。 <goround> <course name="dialup"> <dialup select="true" dialFrom="tokyo" showDialog="true" wheneverNotConnected="true"/> <sequential> <entry account="foo"/> <entry account="bar" receive="true"> <folder>Inbox</folder> <folder>foo/bar</folder> </entry> </sequential> ...

#  (スコア:3996)

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